NextGen TagCloud function mod

Posted on 02/11/2017 — 7 years ago  |   Freelance


United States, Florida

  • Job #WPHIRE001705

Hi WP developers!



I’m looking for someone to make a simple modification to the NextGen Gallery plugin. The plugin currently has a feature to display a tag cloud of text that comes from tags set to images within galleries.



Well the functionality doesn’t really work practically. Currently you can only display TagClouds by showing ALL tags from every single gallery or you can filter the tags by typing in the tags you want to display.



The modification I would like is the following:

The ability to display tags from galleries you set in the setup menu of the plugin. Currently when setting up the options, you are able to choose galleries as your tag source, then select which galleries you want. But there is a flaw as the plugin ignores gallery IDs and displays ALL tags from every single gallery.



If you are interested please let me know. I need help!

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