WordPress Engineer | Web Developer | All-knowing Admin at R.O.M. logicware GmbH (Berlin, Deutschland)

Posted on 10/06/2020 — 5 years ago

R.O.M. logicware GmbH

Berlin, Deutschland

  • Job #WPHIRE002109

We are the developers of Papyrus Author – the writing suite for modern authors. We combine digital technology with literary know-how and create the best software for writers there is.

Become a pioneer and pave the future of writing. We are looking forward to you and your unique skills.


Your websites are enchanting. They are elegant on the outside and inside because you don’t accept slow pages. You realize your visions with WordPress and Woocommerce until they reach their limit. Then you use PHP/JS.

With your webskills, you represent us worldwide. With your solutions, we communicate with our customers, sell our software, and show who we are. You build bridges between Papyrus Autor and the WWW.

What Awaits You

  • Sophisticated web development in WordPress and Woocommerce, PHP and Javascript.
  • Server choice and professional (WordPress) installation are inseparable. You keep the server alive, connect the CDN and know how (and where) to run the cache. Nginx or Apache?
  • You are proud when your site runs even better and looks cooler than before. You make sure that our visitors enjoy their stay.
  • (Further) development of our shop, our pages, our blog, our downloads including load balancing, setting up droplets and scaling our growing infrastructure.
  • Interface between our webserver / account system and our writing software.
  • Development of an author portal including encryption, data cleanliness, security and user experience.

You have more interests? The possibilities are endless:

  • Design: Develop with us our complete user experience.
  • Marketing: Work with us on smart advertising from linking analytics to our website to data-driven placement of ads in all (social) media. Knowledge is power! 🙂
  • Software and Apps: Participate in the development of Papyrus Author’s UI for our desktop and mobile versions in Qt.


  • You make sites beautiful. You make sites fast. You make sites safe.
  • You can work in a team, you are stress-resistant and responsible. You love to create.
  • You bring along very good knowledge in all relevant web techniques. DNS? Is that short for „dinosaur“?
  • You know how to use foreign code to shortcut your way.
  • You have a degree and/or professional experience in web/software development. You are self-taught without a degree? Convince us of your talent.


Papyrus Author is our dream project. Make it your own and create something that wouldn’t have existed without you.

Flat hierarchies: No bureaucracy, no politics. We focus on making great software.

Grow with us: Rise into a key position in a stable and growing international company.

Fast machines: Work with a setup you love. Hardware requests are no problem.

Kitchen raids: Stacks of snacks, fruit and a vast selection of drinks, always available.

Body and mind: Subsidied fitness offers with 130 top locations in Berlin. Sorry about the snacks.

Getting around: We are in the heart of the city. Navigate Berlin with our extremely cheap BVG ticket.

Would you like to work with us? Send us your application with your CV and a sample of your work. We’re excited to meet you!

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